Media relations
St Pierre Groupe

Always on trade press office for St Pierre Groupe


To keep the business and its brands front of mind for buyers and decision makers in an ever competitive and crowded space. To drive awareness for St Pierre Groupe and the three brands in its portfolio – St Pierre, Baker Street and Paul Hollywood, by delivering a proactive and reactive trade press office.


A partnership approach. Working closely with the in-house team to build and share the stories behind the business and its success – to secure coverage in all the right places and attract attention from the right people, including national business media, B2B trade media and local, Manchester media. Activity included placing interviews, securing features, and sharing news from the business and brands, underpinned by co-ordination of a trade advertising strategy, features and always on awards calendar.

  • Increased trade coverage by 5% YOY with 537 trade placements
  • 2,043,763,291 impressions (+146% YOY)
  • 198 trade features submitted and 14 press releases issued across Groupe, St Pierre, Baker Street and Paul Hollywood
  • 9 interviews secured, including The Grocer, Grocery Trader, Wholesale Manager, New Food and Food and Drink Technology
  • Supported in-house team in the placement of 29 trade adverts.

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